- To integrate Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) friendly work practices.
- To create HSE awareness to every individual associated with the project (s).
- To provide the necessary HSE inputs.
- To formulate and effectively maintain the Accident Prevention Program of the project.
- To achieve the prime objective of ZERO ACCIDENT.
- To make safety an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position.
- To ensure health & safety is considered in all planning and work activities.
- To involve our employees in the decision-making processes through regular communication, continuous program of education, learning.
- To identify and control all potential hazards in the work-place through hazard identification and risk analysis and to ensure that they are controlled and prevented.
- To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.
- Traffic Safety: All the operations shall be conducted with a view to limit interference between existing roads and our work locations. The roads and vehicles shall be maintained time to time and ensure safe movement.
- Construction equipment and vehicle: Pre-construction examination and inspection shall be conducted. ERA will review the qualification of all cranes/heavy equipment operators and maintenance personnel.
- Lifting machines, tools & tackles: All lifting machines, tools & tackles shall be checked and examined periodically as per the checking schedule. They shall be used by maintaining proper safety procedure.
- House Keeping: Proper guidelines for house-keeping at various locations like Storage areas, Work areas, Scrap yard, lighting etc. shall be maintained.
- Work Permit: When the recognized safe system of work requires an extra degree of control, it is obtained by the use of a PERMIT TO WORK. It’s a document which shall be maintained properly.
- Safety training and motivation scheme: ERA conducts several orientation and training programs for all persons at site so that they will be fully aware of site safety rules, restrictions and necessary safety working methods.
- Reporting of accidents: The accidents and incidents occurring at site will be informed to site safety coordinator and/or site-in-charge at the earliest possible time by the Site Engineer or Section Heads.